CHRG Christmas Giving

This Christmas, CHRG is thrilled to support Foster Care Angels Incorporated and SaintsCare (Youth Rezolutions) who are working hard to assist local disadvantaged youth and families.

Foster Care Angels is a not-for-profit organisation providing support for young people exiting the foster care system. Every year, 100’s of young people are exited from Foster Care with nowhere to call home. The trauma that is experienced by many of these children is to most of us beyond belief and they bear the traumatic results throughout their entire life. The Foster Care Angels Board, staff, and volunteers work hard to educate, support, and empower vulnerable young people in communities.

Youth Rezolutions is the lead organization in the Hills providing living skills, brokerage, mentoring, and outreach support to young people (16-25yrs) who are at risk of, or experiencing homelessness. Youth Rezolutions holds strong networks with other youth services to collectively contribute towards decreasing the number of young people in our local area, who are experiencing hardship isolation, and homelessness. Through its education, mentoring, and support, Youth Rezolutions is working hard to ensure young people have safe and secure homes in order to build positive futures.

Together with Event Cinemas Castle Towers we have gifted 200 x Event Cinema Tickets (100 for each organisation) for them to distribute to families and youth who sadly are often overlooked and receive very little if anything at all, at Christmas.

CHRG’s Group CEO David O’Neil said: “We know Christmas can be a challenging time and we hope our small gesture will bring joy to young people and families in our local communities who are doing it tough at this time of the year”.